Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Meters and History

Thermal effects on the human body whether in a room or outdoors is significantly influenced by four environmental factors; Air Temperature, Humidity, Radiant Heat, and Wind Speed.  The WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) consists of three factors; Humidity, Radiant Heat, and Temperature.  Reference to a WBGT index is commonly used as a guidance for environmental heat stress to prevent heat related injuries during physical exercise or work.

Specified in ISO 7243 "Estimation of heat stress on working man" is based on the WBGT index.

wbgt setup


The above sketch shows the measuring system used by the U.S. Army in order to prevent soldiers from getting heat injuries.  The height of the measuring position is 1.2 meters from the ground.  The Wet-bulb and Dry-bulb temperature is measured under natural condition with air velocity.  The Wet-bulb thermometer needs a supply of water before it is dried.  The black globe of 15cm (6 inch) diameter contains a thermometer inside.